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GraduateTheology: Pro Ecclesia 14/4 (Fall 05)


"Alexandria or Antioch? The Hermeneutical Choice Confronting the American Old-Line." Harry L. Chronis. Pgs. 389-98. Chronis argues that the debate over human sexuality engulfing the mainline denominations is in fact a debate about the interpretation of the canon, and argues that an Arian/Antiochene hermeneutic, exemplified in historical criticism, must give way to Nicene orthodoxy and orthodox interpretation.


"Greek Patristic Foundations of Trinitarian Anthropology." Nonna Verna Harrison. Pgs. 399-412. Harrison takes a broadly social trinitarian reading of patristic trinitarian theology, particularly Augustine, Chrysostom, and the Cappadocians, in seeking to lay the foundations from these fathers of a conception of the imago Dei that reflects the harmonious and communal trinitarian life.

"Two-Natured Man. An Anthropology of Transfiguration." M.C. Steenberg. Pgs. 413-32. Steenberg argues, reading the Eastern tradition and especially Palamas, for the transfiguration as an anthropological revelation. In the consubstantiality of Christ's humanity with ours, the full vision of human perfection inhabited by the glory of God is revealed.

"Dunking Doughnuts? Rethinking Free Church Baptismal Theology." Melanie Ross. Pgs. 433-46. Ross examines the historical background of the free church tradition, investigating the relationship of conversion and baptism and their split in the free church movement. She seeks to understand believer's baptism in a manner that upholds baptism's importance for the church's communal narrative and its structural conversion.

"Why Luther is Not Quite Protestant: The Logic of Faith in a Sacramental Promise." Phillip Cary. Pgs. 447-86.

Review Essay

"God and the Religions: New Turns in the Debate, or, Reviving Disputation: Right and Wrong Ways to Think about Other Religions." George R. Sumner. Pgs. 487-493.


Colin E. Gunton, Father, Son & Holy Spirit: Toward a Fully Trinitarian Theology; reviewed by Paul D. Molnar, pgs. 494-97.

Geffrey B. Kelly and F. Burton Nelson, The Cost of Moral Leadership: The Spirituality of Dietrich Bonhoeffer; reviewed by J. Deotis Roberts, pgs. 497-99.

Andrew Purves Reconstructing Pastoral Theology: A Christological Foundation; reviewed by William C. Mills, pgs. 499-500.

Nancy E. Snow, ed. Stem Cell Research: New Frontiers in Science and Ethics; reviewed by Brian P. Madison, pgs. 500-02.

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