GraduateTheology:: Graduate Theological Society | [Changes] [Calendar] [Search] [Index] |
Please join us
Founded in 2005, the GTS is a scholarly discussion group designed to further dialogue on theological topics. Meetings are usually held in a paper - response - discussion format. Meetings are free and open to the public. We have heard papers not only from members of the Vanderbilt theology graduate program but from members of other departments such as philosophy, psychology, New Testament, and the Divinity School. We invite all interested in theological questions, regardless of discipline, to join us in discussions. We usually meet the third Thursday of every month. See below for details.
Upcoming meetings
Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 in Tillett Lounge.
Our faculty sponsor, Dr. John Thatamanil, will be speaking about turning essays presented at conferences or submitted for courses into publishable journal articles. Please come with papers in mind, and be prepared to jot down the bullet points Dr. Thatamanil gives us because this meeting will be the jumping off point for a process of peer revision and review to be completed sometime this Spring or Summer. For those of you interested in pursuing a career in the academy, this is clearly an opportunity you don't want to miss!
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This site is a
maintained by the members of the GTS.
(last modified 2009-06-17) [Login] |